Be Empowered

Get crystal clear on the REAL causes of your ED and eliminate them.

40% of men will experience some form of erectile dysfunction by the age of 40

ED does not have to be feared. It is an invitation to heal yourself from the inside out by addressing the root causes.

Here are the real causes of Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Emotional and/or mental blocks
  • Compromised circulatory/cardiovascular system
  • An overstimulated nervous system (often due to stress)
  • Mismanagement of sexual energy (i.e. too much ejaculation)
  • Excessive use of pornography
  • Medications such as nervous system depressants and stimulants, blood pressure meds, SSRI’s, diuretics
  • Health issues such as diabetes or Parkinson's
  • Prostate procedures, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Lack of sleep

How many of those are you struggling or dealing with right now?

"The penis is an overall barometer of a man’s health.”

- Dr Oz

Here are two truths I want you to realize:

  1. Over 30 million men in America struggle with ED. (You are NOT alone!)
  2. Pills don’t cure erectile dysfunction. The cure is to heal the root causes!
In fact, when you rely on pills to handle the symptoms of ED, you can struggle with more than just impotence, such as:
  • Unwanted, harmful side-effects
  • Costly prescriptions for the rest of your life!
  • Ongoing emotional distress
  • The real causes remaining untreated
  • Unpredictable results that cause even more stress

The alternative?

A holistic approach that taps into your natural ability to recover full sexual function and reclaim powerful performance in that area of life.



Hi, I’m Shari James, R.N., and as a healer, teacher, and men’s coach, I’ve spent decades helping men just like you recognize the real sources of their ED, empowering them to take control of their condition, and guiding them to full, long-term recovery.
I have devoted my life to specialize in working with men who struggle with erectile dysfunction and don’t want to rely on male enhancement pills, have taken them and didn’t get results, or can’t take them because of side effects.
Over the years, I’ve developed a natural, drugs-free solution that can eliminate erectile dysfunction in your life, once and for all.
I call it…

The BE FIRM - ED BluePrint™

A Holistic Solution to End the Struggle with Erectile Dysfunction

It is a proven evidence and science-based program to put the power back in your hands… to create optimal health and your ability to get and stay hard.

When I guide you through this program, here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Discover the 5 Essential Elements that cause impaired sexual function and how to systematically master these elements.
  • Nail down the concrete reasons why you’re experiencing ED—and how to eliminate them!
  • Evaluate potential health problems that affect ED and learn to overcome or manage them once and for all.
  • Break down the mental and emotional and mental barriers keeping you from achieving your full sexual potential
  • Undergo intensive, personalized coaching that helps you integrate holistic healing on a daily basis to end your ED struggle.
...and much more!

With the Be Firm-ED BluePrint, you’ll soon enjoy being able to get hard, stay hard, and last longer than ever before.

I’ve worked with hundreds of men just like you and helped them navigate their way to true sexual satisfaction.

The results speak for themselves.

"After spending $2000 on my first month of Cialis I decided to give Shari's coaching program a shot.

Not only did my ED get healed but Shari ended up getting me through the most traumatic experience of my life which was the sudden end of my 35-year marriage.  Shari has the ability to see your problems very quickly to give you clear assignments that are very easy to do. She will get you out of the rut that you are in and will allow you to experience the masculinity that every man is entitled to as a God given right."

- Michael 63 (Emotionally related ED)

"Shari is nonjudgmental and working with her was a lot of fun but also deep. Now that porn is out of my brain, my imagination is back and I am more focused and creative. I am more patient in every area of my life and I no longer seek constant visual stimulation from porn, my phone, and video games.  The techniques she taught me I will have for life so if ED should ever come again I know exactly what to do to fix it. She knows what she is doing and if she can help me I guarantee she can help you."

- George K. 25 (Porn related ED)

"Shari James kept me off Viagra after having radiation treatments for prostate cancer and I am still functioning fine 8 years later. Since post-treatment counseling is virtually non-existent, Shari provides a service that is a must for any prostate cancer survivor. Whether the cancer was remediated by surgery, chemotherapy or any type of radiation; the ability to experience new heights of pleasure and function sexually without the aid of ED drugs is the final and most important phase of rehabilitation."

- Thomas 62 (Prostrate cancer-related ED)

"I was having morning wood maybe once a week and intermittent ED. I had been micro-dosing Levitra post-divorce as a crutch. I worked with Shari because I met someone significant and didn't want to have to use a pill with her.

Through working with Shari I realize that ED medication is a lie. By taking it we are not honoring the abilities within ourselves to tap into our full potential! By reaching for something that's an easy fix, it's curing the symptom but not the cause. It's also a lie because I lied about taking it...I became a liar.

Shari doesn't do anything to us, she gives us the power to heal this ourselves and it IS work. Now that I know how to harness and manage my sexual energy, I get full raging hard-ons out of nowhere that last an hour and my orgasms are like a dam breaking."

- George M 51 (Low sexual energy ED)

"I chose to work with Shari because I could not "get it up" for my wife of 30 years, even with Cialis. Halfway through the program, I was woken up several times by raging hard-ons! I had sex with my wife for the 1st time in months and I was harder than I've ever been. The sex was more connected and qualitatively and quantitatively different than our usual experiences.

Another bonus is Shari's breathing techniques have caused me to be more emotionally in control and less reactive.  Shari also taught me to consciously lower my blood pressure by 15 points. I actually did this at my doctor's office and he could not believe it. Besides getting off of Cialis I've avoided having to use blood pressure medication."

- Ben 49 (Stress Related ED)

"I had been suffering from ED for the past 4 years which left me feeling depressed and alone. To my surprise, only 10 days into the program things were working again. Shari also discovered that I had diabetes, and had me go to my doctor. With Shari's easy nutritional changes I lost 50 pounds and now everything is working as it should be. Shari absolutely knows what she is doing, she helped me so much I am happy that I met her." 

- John 59 (Parkinson's and Diabetes-Related ED)

"4 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, neuropathy in my feet and erectile dysfunction. Viagra, Cialis, and injections did not work. My doctor referred me to Shari and by the end of doing her holistic coaching program, I am able to get fully hard!"

- Dean 44 (Diabetes related ED)

Invest in yourselfā€¦
Not in pharmaceutical companies

What do I mean when I talk about healing ED holistically? Together, weā€™ll approach your erectile dysfunction through the 6 essential elements it takes to get and maintain an erection and tackle each one step by step:


Learn my proprietary technique that rivals the effects of any ED medication. Optimize your daily breathing patterns and engage in other exercises to increase healthy blood flow.


Control how you respond to stress (the #1 cause of ED!)  and reset your nervous system to optimize the hard-on cascade and help you achieve consistent, stress-free erections.


Your heart is the gateway to lifelong health and healing. I’ll help you shed years of guilt, shame, and emotional pain to free you to experience peak pleasure even if you’re working through bitterness, heartbreak, or resentment caused by past relationships.


We’ll work together to align your mind, helping you focus on the sexual experience you desire and make it a reality. I’ll help you erase self-defeating, negative mental patterns that can interfere with your sexual performance and replace them with affirming, positive perspectives.


Wake up with healthy morning wood to build and harness your sexual energy. Experience how sexual energy flows through your body and open a pathway for intense mind blowing orgasms while gaining sexual energy via a sustainable “operating system.”


Receive expert guidance to understand how your medications and health conditions influence your ED—and how to overcome these factors. In some cases, health challenges can be healed, and medications can be reduced. I am able to collaborate with your doctors for faster, more effective progress.

If youā€™re having trouble getting it up, donā€™t hesitate to schedule an appointment with me.

Weā€™ll go through EXACTLY what you need to achieve the rock-hard erections that are possible for you with a few simple lifestyle changes. All of which are covered in my proven, results-oriented process.


I’ve helped hundreds of men just like you. 

Here’s a client’s story. For the sake of privacy, we’ll call him Mike.

Mike’s Story

When Mike came to me, he had fallen prey to a few common misconceptions that so many of my clients fall into:

  • That his problems were strictly biological
  • That his age was to blame
  • And that his PENIS was the issue.

(Hint: It’s not.)

You see, a couple years ago, Mike used to have no problem at all getting an erection.

In fact, he took pride in his love-making abilities. And the thought of ED never crossed his mind.

At the time, he was healthy, happy, and sexually fulfilled.

But a couple years later, Mike started having trouble getting it up.

And at first, it was only every now and again.

But it started becoming more and more frequent.

And it got to the point that he became worried something was seriously wrong.

But most of all…

Mike was frustrated because he couldn’t please his girlfriend like the way he used to.

And started wondering if his girlfriend would eventually get sick of it. And leave.

Or even worse, if she would start finding sexual satisfaction outside of their relationship. (A real issue a lot of men with ED face)

And when his girlfriend finally found the courage to talk to him about it, Mike came up with every excuse under the sun.


Because he felt like admitting his ED issues would make him look like less of a man. And that’s something that was NOT an option for him. (Something a lot of my clients feel as well)

In fact, he did SUCH a good job of hiding the truth that his girlfriend began to believe that SHE was the problem. And that Mike wasn’t attracted to her anymore.

And this caused a lot of friction in Mike’s relationship. Only adding to his paranoia. And his ED issues.

Then, Mike, feeling hopeless and unfamiliar with the real causes of ED, began to rationalize his situation by blaming it on things outside of himself. Like his age.

He did everything he could to convince himself that ED wasn’t his fault. And that he was the victim of some strange disease.

And it just kept getting worse, and worse, and worse. He became desperate for answers.

Caught in the vicious “ED cycle” so many of my clients are stuck in, Mike kept frantically searching for solutions. Usually in the form of pills. And while the pills worked temporarily, Mike knew they wouldn’t last forever.

But he didn’t care. He wanted to continue to be the man his girlfriend thought he was.

So the pills kept coming, and coming, and coming.

And the more Mike used them, the more he felt like he was living a lie.  And then one day…

Mike hit rock bottom.

He went on romantic trip with his girlfriend and they were coming back from dinner on the beach.

And while his girlfriend was changing on their hotel bed…

Mike made sure she wasn’t looking, went into the bathroom, and reached into his bag for his pills.

But he forgot to grab them before he left. And the he started to panic.

And with no other options, Mike sat down on the bathroom floor. And the ED cycle consumed him.

He missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with his girlfriend.

And felt desperate, lost for answers, and utterly hopeless.

Like there was no way he’d be able to achieve erections like his old ones ever again.

And that’s when…

Mike reached out to me to save his relationship.

When Mike came to see me, he was obviously distressed. So I listened.

He kept telling me stories. And red flags kept popping up.

No wonder he was having ED issues.

During our session, we went over his emotional, physical, and psychological state. And I uncovered a lot of information that Mike didn’t think was contributing to his ED, but actually was.

Like a lot of my clients, Mike thought his ED issues were strictly biological. And that his penis was the issue.

But the truth is, that’s only a fraction of the equationAnd there’s so much more involved.

During our session, I showed Mike exactly what was causing his ED. And put him through my proven process that systematically eliminates the causes of ED until it’s gone.

And in 12 short weeks….

Mike was healthier, happier, and harder than ever before.


Two extra components weā€™ll cover together...

PORN - We’ll go back to square one when it comes to porn, engaging all 5 senses to undo the “damage” porn can cause to your sex drive and arousal triggers. You’ll rediscover a whole a new depth of sexual stimulation you never realized you’ve become numb to.

MASTERY - Gain absolute power of your ejaculatory control and conquer premature ejacualtion. Have full-body, mind-blowing intense orgasms, increase your sexual desire, and draw new attraction from the opposite sex.

When erectile dysfunction occurs,
you see an obstacle.

But I see an opportunity. An opportunity for YOU to heal this in just 12 weeks. This can be done from anywhere in the world or my Los Angeles office.

Are you ready to get on the path to healing, create optimal health, and experience long-term relief from erectile dysfunction?

Iā€™m here to help!


50% Complete

Two Step

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